Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Bag Lady...

Okay, so yes, I let my daughter play with a plastic bag. I was watching her very carefully, so please, no comments about how irresponsible it was to let her play with a plastic bag.

With that said, she was hysterical with the bag. At first she was putting things in it and carrying it around, then she put her hand in it and picked things up with it. But the best thing she did with it, was put it on her head like a hat. I was in the dining room and she caught my eye going up the stairs. So I glanced up and there she was, wearing it like a shower cap! Classic Lucy. My camera was in its bag, and by the time I got it out, she had taken it off. She came back a few minutes later with it on her head again and this time I caught it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Let me just start by saying that Lucy has been sick for a few days with fever, and she was great! But she's feeling better, and the old Lucy is back.

So, I did Lucy's laundry, folded it and placed it on the stairs to take up later when she woke up from her nap. Danny ended up getting her out of bed, so the clothes stayed on the stairs. Betcha can't guess what happened? Okay, I'm sure you can.

Lucy decided she would help me by taking her clothes upstairs for me! Isn't that great? NOT! What was I thinking leaving her clothes on the stairs? All I can say in my defense is that I've had a headache all day and OH, I forgot they were on the stairs.... and yes, that is a loaf of bread at the bottom of the picture. She must have grabbed it off the counter in the kitchen.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When I wasn't looking...

Okay, she does most of her destroying when I'm not looking. This time it was our leather couch. The marks look like pen, but I don't see the weapon of choice anywhere. I don't even know when it was done! I just noticed it this morning so I don't know if she did it last night or this morning. Sorry Danny. I'm getting an ink remover made for leather from your mom to try and get it out.
By the time this child leaves our house, we'll have to buy all new furniture! or a new house!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hide your checkbook!

So the other day (Friday, I think), I bought a new purse and was putting stuff from my old purse into the new one in my bedroom on my bed. I left my new purse on my bed. A few minutes later, I noticed Lucy walking around with the pen that I keep in my wallet, minus the cap. She took off running of course when I called out her name (she knows when she has something she's not supposed too) and ended upstairs with it. The kids got it away from her and brought it back to me. When I went to put it back in my wallet, I realized what she had done. She loves to color. She colored on my sheets and on the checks in my wallet. She even colored on the plastic divider for my duplicate checks! Here are a few pictures....

Wallet, Check - now voided! & plastic divider


My grandfather is certain she'll end up in reform school. Do they have reform school anymore? I keep hoping she'll 'grow out of it', but somehow, I don't see that happening. It's amazing what she can reach. If she stretches herself high enough, she can throw stuff into the kitchen sink! Oh, she she'd discovered that she can now reach the ice/water dispenser on our fridge. She loves to push the water and let it run down her arm onto the floor. We have to keep it locked now. She still trys to make it work! Crazy girl!

I live for Monday's and Wednesday's. She goes to Mother's Day Out. The only problem is that it doesn't last long enough. After the first day, the teacher's told me what an angel she was! Ha! I said. You don't know the real Lucy. I had to bring the nail polish pictures to show them because they didn't believe me. Why is it that your kids are better for other people? I've never understood that.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


These pictures were taken on June 4th after Danny left for a Men's Night. We had breakfast for dinner and he fixed EmmaLee and her friend Abby some pancakes. He accidentally left the syrup on the counter where Lucy could reach it and while I was washing dishes, she poured the syrup all over the floor and then rolled around in it! Nice huh? The sad thing is that she's so quiet about it, that I didn't even hear her and she was right next to me!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Marker.... and polish

This is my first posting of The Life and Times of Lucy Nicole Schochler, a.k.a. Hurricane Lucy.

Okay, so just to catch you up on what is happening each day, here is what happened in the month of May.

5/5/08: After going to the gym, we rushed home so I could shower and leave again for a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.
I asked Daniel to watch her while I was in the shower, and I put on Sesame Street for her to watch. She doesn't really watch it, but sometimes, she'll pause and watch it for a few minutes. I was hoping that this would help Daniel keep her busy. I rushed thru my shower, got dressed and put my makeup on, only to be greeted at my bedroom door by Lucy covered in green Crayola marker! Her arms, legs, shirt, feet and hands were colored on. Instead of watching Lucy, Daniel watched Sesame Street! I didn't take pictures. Sorry. Daniel got a stern talking too about it and we went on after a quick bath and a change of clothes. We were late to the party.

5/6/08: After EmmaLee got home from school, I realized I hadn't showered all day and we were leaving to go to my friend Sarah's house for dinner. So I again, asked Daniel (and EmmaLee this time) to watch Lucy for me while I was taking a shower. Again, I came out of my room only to find Lucy covered in brown dry erase marker. Only it was worse this time. She colored all over her arms, legs, toenails, bottoms of her feet, face, tummy, shirt, shorts and her diaper too! Oh, and the wall in the office. As I came around the corner I was met by EmmaLee who was trying to explain what happened and she was stumbling over her words. Daniel was kneeling on the floor in front of Lucy frantically scrubbing her arm with a wipe. This time, I didn't get mad, Daniel already knew I was mad.

5/25/08: Today is my birthday. We overslept a bit so we decided to skip Sunday School so we weren't frantically rushing around. We ate breakfast and got dressed and had about 30 minutes left over. So I decided to paint the girls toenails (in my bathroom). I started with Lucy. She loves getting her toes polished. When I finished I took her into the hall bath to fix her hair. I realized then, that she had a dirty diaper and called to Danny to come change it before I fixed her hair. I took EmmaLee into my bath to start on her toenails. Apparently I took the polish into the hall bath with me, big mistake. And apparently, Danny didn't hear me ask him to change her diaper. EmmaLee's toes needed more work. I had to take her old polish off and trim her toenails. And just as I started to paint her first toe, she gasped. I turned around and there was precious Lucy, covered in bright pink polish! I threw her into the bathtub only to realize the extent of the damage. I told EmmaLee to run get Danny and when she got to the door of our room she gasped again, only louder. Our bedroom is across the hall from the hall bathroom. I went running to where she was and there it was. Polish... all over the floor, with little foot prints accenting the huge puddle. I don't think I ever realized how much polish is actually in a bottle. Danny met me in the hall and I told him to grab the camera.

Here are the pictures of 'the polish incident'.