Sunday, March 28, 2010

365 Photos

Here are the first 4 photos that I uploaded to the 365 Project website:

I'm really excited about this project. I've been wanting to improve my photography skills for a long time. I actually carry my camera with me all the time now since I finally got a camera bag that I love (and it's purple) and this project forces me to take a picture everyday.  I have no real theme right now, but I'm thinking of some that I might want to try. We'll see what happens.  If you want to follow my 365 Project, you can click here and follow it there or here which ever you prefer.  I'm going to try and post both places, but I'm not promising that they will end up here. I'll add a link to it on the blog though.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Gonna try something new...

So I've been wanting to do this for awhile and have finally decided to give in and try it.  it's called Project 365 and it's taking a picture everyday for a year. The picture can be anything you want.  I've been wanting to do something similar but never got around to it. If you want to check out the photos I post, click here.  I will also probably  try and post them on the blog too.