Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hide your checkbook!

So the other day (Friday, I think), I bought a new purse and was putting stuff from my old purse into the new one in my bedroom on my bed. I left my new purse on my bed. A few minutes later, I noticed Lucy walking around with the pen that I keep in my wallet, minus the cap. She took off running of course when I called out her name (she knows when she has something she's not supposed too) and ended upstairs with it. The kids got it away from her and brought it back to me. When I went to put it back in my wallet, I realized what she had done. She loves to color. She colored on my sheets and on the checks in my wallet. She even colored on the plastic divider for my duplicate checks! Here are a few pictures....

Wallet, Check - now voided! & plastic divider


My grandfather is certain she'll end up in reform school. Do they have reform school anymore? I keep hoping she'll 'grow out of it', but somehow, I don't see that happening. It's amazing what she can reach. If she stretches herself high enough, she can throw stuff into the kitchen sink! Oh, she she'd discovered that she can now reach the ice/water dispenser on our fridge. She loves to push the water and let it run down her arm onto the floor. We have to keep it locked now. She still trys to make it work! Crazy girl!

I live for Monday's and Wednesday's. She goes to Mother's Day Out. The only problem is that it doesn't last long enough. After the first day, the teacher's told me what an angel she was! Ha! I said. You don't know the real Lucy. I had to bring the nail polish pictures to show them because they didn't believe me. Why is it that your kids are better for other people? I've never understood that.

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