We got up this morning and went to the Pumpkin Patch. Lucy has been DYING to for about 2 weeks. Poor thing, now she has to wait even longer to carve the pumpkin! She'll live. Here are the photos I managed to take.
Lucy wouldn't sit still very long.
In case you didn't recognize him...This is my 12 year old stud.
I love both of these pictures.
He NEVER lets me take his picture so I was really happy to get two good ones.
Which one do you like?

This child is getting to big for her britches!
My little petite child now wears a size bigger than her age.
This is a first in her short lifetime.

This one is just plain crazy! Ya gotta love her though.
After the pumpkin patch we came home and got ready for EmmaLee's belt testing. She was testing for Blue Belt. The belt before this was half way to Black Belt. She will test for Black Tab in August 2010 and Black Belt in March 2011.
She did really good on her break. Mr. Howard did the board breaking a little different this time. He had them spar someone and try and break the board while sparring. It was a really good way to teach them how to use sparring and why it's important to be able to do both at virtually the same time. She did great as you can see.

I love the look on Mr. Coleman's face...I also would probably look like that too!

Miss Flores giving her her new belt!

EmmaLee and Mr. Webre!

EmmaLee with her new belt on!
Mom and Kim came to EmmaLee's belt testing and took Lucy home with them. We seized the opportunity to clean up the game room. We threw away one bag of trash and had one-two bags of stuff to give away. The kids did a great job of helping us and we even rearranged the furniture.

The girls stuff. They have a bigger area because they now share toys and play together.

Still the girls stuff!

Daniel and EmmaLee attempting to hide from being in the picture.
Remind me how old they are again? Do you even see Daniel? Hello!!!!!!!!!!

So this is how we spent our day today. We did pause and eat dinner and catch up on the Star Wars Clone Wars cartoons. Then headed back up stairs to finish off the game room. The kids didn't go to bed till 9:30pm. We had fun with them today!
Hope y'all had a great Saturday!