I'll start with the other day when we were at Walmart. She kept trying to climb out of the basket and so I let her play in my purse. She found my mascara and tried to put it on. I don't think she's really ever seen me put it on, but she got it in the right place....

So yesterday (July 29, 2008) was make up day for Lucy.
1. She started by rubbing the yogurt she was eating for lunch all over her body like lotion. No, I forgot to take pictures. I was all over her arms and face.
2. Later, when it was time for her nap, she was ticked that she had to go to bed and I forgot to put duct tape on her diaper. Guess what happened? Yup. She took it off. But I don't think she took it off after she woke up, I think she took if off before she fell asleep and slept naked and then pee'd in her sleep.
3. We were watching TV after dinner and she came up to me trying to take her diaper off. She's not potty trained by any stretch of the imagination, but she likes to sit on the potty (she's never pee'd in the potty), wipe herself and then wash her hands. So we let her and I figured that's what she was wanting to do. So I took off her diaper, but I didn't follow her straight into the bathroom. I was engrossed in the TV. BIG MISTAKE. I should have taken her straight to the bathroom because she proceeded to pee all over the tile and the carpet in my bedroom. IF I HAD TAKEN HER TO THE BATHROOM, SHE WOULD HAVE PEE'D IN THE TOILET!!!!!! Never again will I make that mistake. Oh well.
4. She was not happy that I wouldn't let her 'play' in the water in the sink, so she decided to play in the toilet water and clogged it up with toilet paper. Water was everywhere.
5. She realized that the lock was not on on the ice/water dispenser on the fridge. She proceeded to fill a cup of water up and dump it all over the floor.
6. Somewhere in the house was a loose Sharpie. I really thought that I had gotten them all and up them up VERY high in the kitchen above my desk. I must have missed one because she found it and drew pretty pictures for Mommy all over the kitchen cabinets (and herself). See pictures below. I got most of it off with a Magic Eraser.
Now you know how to pray for me each day! :)